Laura Wallace gives us a round up of all the events she has been to lately, including her ‘win’ over Blyth Tait.
Charlie Brister is having a great time in Germany, despite having to drink beer and go to parties ... it's a hard life!
Libby Price explains why secret plans and clever tricks are essential for getting a horse riding holiday and then making the most of it
Natalie Blundell may get a little teased by her fellow elite riders when she comes out on her palomino ‘ponies’ but she just loves riding her talented little ‘barbie doll horses’!
Blogger Michelle Robson enjoys getting her own horse out and about, while still managing to look after a truck load of Bimbadeen Park horses.
Find out what blogger Makayla Wood has been up to over in WA as she works her way towards the Australian International three day event
Clarke Johnstone has survived an 'interesting' year, with various ups and downs. He is now looking fowarding to be based with one of the best event riders in the world ...
Some skiing, some eventing and some shopping for Tinney Eventing