
Winners are grinners at HRCAV TTT Horse Trials 2013

Monday Apr 22, 2013 13:22

Congratulations to the winning team Phoenix Friggin Fantastic and the Individual winner Sharon Gotts and check out some XC video footage from the event

North Islanders reign supreme at South Island 3DE

Monday Apr 22, 2013 8:28

Even atrocious wet conditions couldn’t stifle the North Islanders superiority at the NZCT South Island Three Day Event in Christchurch, NZ

HRCAV TTT Horse Trials 2013

Sunday Apr 21, 2013 19:18

A weekend at the HRCAV TTT Horse Trials reminds us to really enjoy our riding, our horses and having fun, especially as you never know what is around the corner


Sunday Apr 21, 2013 16:15

He may have won over $2 million during his racing career but Blutigeroo is considered a treasure by his eventing owner for other reasons

Kenki Sato vs Michael Jung

Sunday Apr 21, 2013 10:14

How would you judge these dressage tests by Kenki Sato and Michael Jung? An interesting video view comparing two good rides
