Andrew Nicholson has collected his second consecutive US$50,000 bonus after an extraordinary 2013 Eventing season
Two tragic events in Victoria saddened us all, reminding us to appreciate our lives as you never know what is to come. We found out more about Mark Griffiths, Charlotte Price and Kate Farrell while events included Kihikihi, Albury, Rolex Kentucky and Sydney
Our Top 10 Super Saves of 2013 and in equal 8th place are Australia's Paul Tapner and Britain's Dani Evans
Bored with reviews of what happened in 2013 (sigh, and we're working so hard on them), Hamish Cargill has some predictions for the eventing world
The eventing year really kicks on with mud baths in the UK, heat in Australia and Germany dominating in France. Two equine legends are celebrated and Sonja Johnson shares a tale of towing - just some of the highlights in our March 2013 review