The job of the Cross Country Starter is far more complex than ‘5,4,3,2,1,Go’. We talk to Chris Kirby about the secrets of handling horses and riders at that nerve wracking moment before leaving the Start Box and what his job entails
Which was the toughest CCI4* event in 2017? How many winners finished on their dressage? Which had the lowest percentage of retirementsbut also the highest percentage of eliminations on cross country? Find out in our 2017 stats table
Millstreet is set to host the Irish leg of the FEI Nations Cup Eventing Series in 2018
Frangible devices to be mandatory in Australian national and international level eventing competition from February 2018
Glistening gold, glamorous girls and great legs (on the boys as well as the girls) - we had it all at Puhinui's first horse inspection. Or were we in Cannes?