Chris Burton has a reputation for bringing on some impressive young horses so it's always worth keeping a look out for his 'new kids on the block' as they start out in competition
William Fox-Pitt will make his return to competition at the Barefoot Estates Burnham Market International Horse Trials and so will our video crew!
Video: Meet some of the individuals who are behind this year's Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials Cross Country course (and make sure you watch to the end to catch the bloopers!)
Come for a gallop around the cross country course at Barwonleigh, home of the Geelong Horse Trials, with the riders in the EvA95 class
An orange Monopoly horse with a dressage score Michael Jung would be proud of, glossy new trucks, off the track thoroughbreds and a historic location - all in a weekend's eventing at Barwonleigh