Ingrid Klimke’s face said it all at the end of her dressage test on EQUISTROs Siena Just Do It, a performance that put her into first place (again!) at Pratoni Del Vivaro CCIO4* and Eventing World Championship Test Event
Fresh from her second place at Badminton, Ros Canter has de-camped to another beautiful British estate, this time at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire to lead the top class
Updated 21st May: Equestrian Australia's selected combinations for the 2022 Oceania Championships, to be held in Victoria at the Melbourne International 3 Day Event in June
The teams have done their dressage and now its time to check out the terrain at a sunny Pratoni Del Vivaro Nations Cup Eventing and World Championship Test Event
Australian eventing is once again under siege from the weather with the latest heavy rainfall in Queensland and NSW forcing the cancellation of both the Tamborine CCI and Equestriad at Camden in May