Gemma Tattersall couldn't take the smile off her face and was "chuffed to bits" with today's PB dressage performance of Arctic Soul, the horse that is a cross country machine
Maestro Michael Jung and La Biosthetique Sam have taken an early lead at Burghley - we catch up with some of the riders after the first session of dressage on Thursday
Imogen Murray is competing at her second Burghley but it is the first time she has been the horse as well - a clothes horse!
From the 2015 winner to British team gold medallists, a host of Americans and a 4* first timer (horse anyway), we check out who has lined up for the 2017 Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials
Scotland's Emily Parker made it a win on home soil at Blair Castle, taking the CCI1* class in style on Highly Delighted