
Gymnastics with Vittoria Panizzon

Saturday Feb 15, 2014 18:02

See how and how not to do gymnastics, including a back somersault, on horseback in these videos from the recent Vittoria Panizzon clinic plus our favourite blooper of the day

George Morris' gems

Wednesday Feb 12, 2014 15:24

Amanda Ross and Matilda Alexander show us how it’s done at a George Morris clinic where the old master shows he has not lost his touch or the ability to make some wonderfully direct comments

Sonja Johnson on rider position and balance

Friday Jan 31, 2014 17:31

“I have an obsession with the lower leg” says Olympic silver medallist Sonja Johnson “It’s what keeps us safe”. In her recent Melbourne clinic Sonja spent the first day focussing on rider position and balance

Megan Jones and Kirby Park Irish Stout

Tuesday Jan 21, 2014 13:07

In this article Megan Jones introduces us to Kirby Park Irish Stout, takes us through a jumping session in the new Kirby Park grass arena and tackles the dreaded ditch

Eventing training on riding school horses

Friday Jan 17, 2014 18:35

What if you don’t own a horse and still want to participate in eventing clinics? Zoe and Alex Rodgers and Laura Trujillo enjoyed a recent three day training session clinic with Paul Tapner and we found out what they gained from the training days riding borrowed horses
