Iconic British brand, Barbour, is back again at Belsay in 2020, and so are we for their first International competition and the 2020 British Pony Championships
Clarke Johnstone started the day with a win in the CNC1*-L at the Puhinui International 3 Day Event in New Zealand and finished it with another flourish in the CCI4*-L
Olympians chased by young guns and how it felt to ride four horses around the 4* - our wrap up and rider interviews from Saturday at Puhinui International 3 Day Event
Clarke Johnstone has moved into the lead of the Auckland Council CCI4*-L at the Puhinui International 3 Day Event in New Zealand - find out more about the leaders after cross country in the Press Conference video
Renee Faulkner and Rubinstar lead the CCI4*-L at Puhinui International 3 Day Event in New Zealand after the dressage