It was a very popular win for Heath Ryan in the three star class at Sydney 3DE on his wonderful horse Mystery Whisper. In his speech Heath mentioned how the win had bolstered him after a lean spell and it was indeed a good sight to see him on top again in the eventing arena. John Twomey from NZ had a good event finishing in 2nd place on Flaunt It which must do his selection chances for the NZ team a power of good and Megan Jones took 3rd place on Kirby Park Allofasudden after Victoria Luxford and Natalie Blundell dropped some rails.
In the WEG class the riders in contention for WEG team selection were required to jump the same course at a higher height and 4 Star time. Stuart Tinney went first with Watermark Grayson and had 12 faults but his other two had good rounds - 4 faults for Panamera and a clear fast round on the handsome grey Vettori. Megan and Jester had an uncharacteristic 4 faults and 3 time faults and Chris Burton with Holstein Park Leilani was clear. Sonja Johnson had a clear round on the wonderful Ringwould Jaguar and 4 faults on Parkiarrup Illicit Liaison.